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Nguyễn Tân Hoàng

Associate Professor

Ph.D. (University of California, Berkeley)

Associate Professor of Literature and Cultural Studies

Office Hours

Affiliated Faculty for Department of Ethnic Studies and Critical Gender Studies Program

Nguyễn Tân Hoàng received a B.A. (with highest honors) in Art and Art History from the University of California, Santa Cruz, an M.F.A. in Studio Art from the University of California, Irvine, and a Ph.D. in Rhetoric, with an emphasis in Film Studies, from the University of California, Berkeley. He has received grants and fellowships from the University of California Humanities Research Institute, the University of California Institute for Research in the Arts, the University of Pennsylvania Humanities Forum, and Visual AIDS. His research interests include Asian American visual culture, Southeast Asian cinema, queer cinema, experimental film, race and pornography, film programming, and video production. His experimental videos have been screened at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Getty Center in Los Angeles, and the Pompidou Center in Paris. He has programmed film, video, and performance for MIX NYC: New York Queer Experimental Film Festival and the San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival. He is a member of the working group International Videoessay Research Network (iVERN).


A View from the Bottom: Asian American Masculinity and Sexual Representation. Durham: Duke University Press, 2014.

Book chapters and articles:

“‘Wer’ Aesthetics in Contemporary Queer Thai Cinema,” Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies (2018).

“Fooled by Love: Việt Kiều Intimacy in Charlie Nguyen’s Để Mai tính (2010),” Special Issue on “Southeast Asian Visual Cultures.” Eds. Lan Duong and Viet Le. Visual Anthropology (2018).

“Brothers: A Pornographic Love Story,” Special Issue on “(Re)Collecting the Vietnam War.” Eds. Cathy Schlund-Vials, Lawrence Minh-Davis, and Sylvia Chong. Asian American Literary Review (2015). 266-274.

“The Opening of Kobena, Cecilia, Robert, Linda, Juana, Hoang, and the Others.” In Porn Archives. Eds. Tim Dean, Steven Ruszczycky, and David Squires. Durham: Duke University Press, 2014. 61-77.

“I Got This Way from Eating Rice: Gay Asian Documentary and the Reeducation of Desire.” In Resolutions 3: Global Networks of Video . Eds. Erika Suderburg and Ming-Yuen S. Ma. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2012. 241-257.

--Reprinted and translated into German by Anja Michaelsen and David Wise. “ I Got This Way from Eating Rice . Schwule asiatische Dokumentationen und die Umerziehung von Begehren.” kultur & geschlecht 9 (2012).

“Theorizing Queer Temporalities: A Roundtable Discussion.” With Carolyn Dinshaw, Lee Edelman, Roderick A. Ferguson, Carla Freccero, Elizabeth Freeman, Judith Halberstam, Annamarie Jagose, Christopher Nealon, and Nguyen Tan Hoang. In GLQ 13.2-3 (Winter 2007). 177-195.

“[GAM4GAM4SEX].” In “Objects of Media Studies,” Ed. Amelie Hastie. Vectors: Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular 2.1 (2006). Ephemera Issue.

“The Resurrection of Brandon Lee: The Making of a Gay Asian American Porn Star.” In Porn Studies . Ed. Linda Williams. Durham: Duke University Press, 2004. 223-270.

Selected Videos:

I Remember Dancing (2019)

look_im_azn (2011)

A Horse, A Filipino, Two Women, A Soldier, and Two Officers (2005)

K.I.P. (2002)

Cover Girl: A Gift from God (2000)

PIRATED! (2000)

Forever Bottom! (1999)

Maybe Never (but I'm counting the days) (1996)

7 Steps to Sticky Heaven (1995)

Distributed by Video Out (Vancouver), Frameline (San Francisco), and Light Cone (Paris)

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